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Newsletter 27


We are glad to share with you the lastest news about OpenKM

Two – Factor Authentication

The 2FA is a method of confirming a user’s claimed identity by using a combination of two different components: the OpenKM login & password and the Google Authenticator app.

If you are interested in know how install and use the 2FA on Android, click on the following links in English or Spanish.

For more information about how install and use the 2FA on iPhone, please use the followins links in English or Spanish.

New OpenKM AutoCAD Viewer

As part of improving the functionality of the OpenKM Document Management Suite, a new module for handling of AutoCAD drawings is now publicly available. We show you more details in the following videos edited in EnglishSpanish and French.

New OpenKM extension: the CRM

When a commercial CRM software doesn't fit the company processes and policies, the best solution is opt for a custom -made CRM. The following links show the CRM currently used by OpenKM; in English and Spanish. We hope that it will inspire you to create your own CRM model.

New  training videos about the OpenKM Administration panel


In OpenKM we can manage the list of users easily. Please, see here the video in English and Spanish.


It is a powerful tool to increase the information of a document and find it quickly. Please, have a look in the video in English and Spanish.


We can link documents based on any relationship. The links can be setted among any file within OpenKM. Here you can see how manage this feature in English and Spanish.


In OpenKM we can create reports regarding any aspect interesting to us. Here we show you in English and Spanish how to use this tool.


It let us know the contents of the application and how the software and hardware are being used. You have available explanatory videos in English and Spanish.


The administrator can set the DMS in different languages. Here we show you in English and Spanish, how manage this feature.


When we create a document, but we do do not want to be used illegally, we use the watermark as a security method. You can see how prepare it in English and Spanish.

Configuration button

It let acess to all the configuration parameters of the application. You can see in  English and Spanish where we highlighte, the most used parameters.

OpenKM Professional Version 6.4.29 Changelog

Available here.

New API documentation

The SDK for Java 2.4 is available in the following link.

New resources for the Community users.

The SDK for PHP 1.1 is now publicly available in the following link.

Massive Uploader and Live Edit news

We had to migrate to Java Web Start due to incompatibilities between Java Applets and lates browser versions. When you use one of these features a JNLP file will be downloaded and needs to be executed by Java. You have to agree about executing this app and after that the Java application will be shown.


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