Notification and subscription messages

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When you are subscribed to a document, any change in the document will be notified to you by email. These email messages are created using some defined templates. You can modify these default templates to create messages adapted to your company style. This modification is done by editing the Configuration view.

Nota idea.png In OpenKM 5.1 Velocity was replaced by FreeMarker.

These are the default values:

OpenKM 6.2 Professional

notification.message.subject OpenKM - NOTIFICATION
notification.message.body <b>Message: </b>${notificationMessage}<br/> <b>User: </b>${userId}<br/> <#list documentList as doc> <b>Document: </b><a href="${doc.url}">${doc.path}</a><br/> </#list>
subscription.message.subject OpenKM - ${eventType} - ${documentPath}
subscription.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="${documentUrl}">${documentPath}</a><br/> <b>User: </b>${userId}<br/><b>Event: </b>${eventType}<br/> <b>Comment: </b>${subscriptionComment}<br/>
subscription.twitter.status OpenKM - ${documentUrl} - ${documentPath} - ${userId} - ${eventType}

OpenKM 6.2 Community

notification.message.subject OpenKM - NOTIFICATION - ${documentName}
notification.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="${documentUrl}">${documentPath}</a><br/><b>User: </b>${userId}<br/><b>Message: </b>${notificationMessage}<br/>
subscription.message.subject OpenKM - ${eventType} - ${documentPath}
subscription.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="${documentUrl}">${documentPath}</a><br/><b>User: </b>${userId}<br/><b>Event: </b>${eventType}<br/><b>Comment: </b>${subscriptionComment}<br/>
subscription.twitter.status OpenKM - ${documentUrl} - ${documentPath} - ${userId} - ${eventType}

And these are the substitution variables used:

Notification message subject & body

  • ${documentUrl} - Document URL
  • ${documentPath} - Document path
  • ${documentName} - Document name
  • ${userId} - User id
  • ${notificationMessage} - Notification message

Subscription message subject & body & twitter

  • ${documentUrl} - Document URL
  • ${documentPath} - Document path
  • ${documentName} - Document name
  • ${userId} - User id
  • ${eventType} - Event type
  • ${subscriptionComment} - Subscription comment

More info on this can be found at:

If you want to use a more complex template, the limitations of Java Properties files are a problem. In this case you can set the subscription.message.subject property to a template filename (for example, ComplexSubcriptionSubject.ftl). The template file should have the .ftl extension and needs to be located in the $JBOSS_HOME directory.

Nota clasica.png FreeMarker does not allow you to render null values (will throw an exception). If you expect a value to be null you can also use the ! operator: ${content.title!}. This is the equivalent to ${content.title!}.

More info about FreeMarker templates at FreeMarker User Guide.

OpenKM 5.0.x

These are the default values:

notification.message.subject OpenKM - NOTIFICATION - $documentName
notification.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="$documentUrl">$documentPath</a><br/><b>User: </b>$userId<br/><b>Message: </b>$notificationMessage<br/>
subscription.message.subject OpenKM - $eventType - $documentPath
subscription.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="$documentUrl">$documentPath</a><br/><b>User: </b>$userId<br/><b>Event: </b>$eventType<br/><b>Comment: </b>$subscriptionComment<br/>
subscription.twitter.status OpenKM - $documentUrl - $documentPath - $userId - $eventType

And these are the substitution variables used:

Notification message subject & body

  • $documentUrl - Document URL
  • $documentPath - Document path
  • $documentName - Document name
  • $userId - User id
  • $notificationMessage - Notification message

Subscription message subject & body & twitter

  • $documentUrl - Document URL
  • $documentPath - Document path
  • $documentName - Document name
  • $userId - User id
  • $eventType - Event type
  • $subscriptionComment - Subscription comment

Nota advertencia.png Take note of the OpenKM.cfg format: this is a Java properties file and has some limitations, for example, this file has to be coded in ISO-8859-1 format. Also single quotes (') should be escaped with another single quote ('').

More info on this can be found at:

If you want to use a more complex template, the limitations of Java Properties files are a problem. In this case you can set the subscription.message.subject property to a template filename (for example, ComplexSubcriptionSubject.vm). The template file should have the .vm extension and needs to be located in the $JBOSS_HOME directory.

More info about Velocity templates at Apache Velocity User Guide.

OpenKM 4.0 and older

These are the default values:

notify.message.subject OpenKM - NOTIFICATION - {0}
notify.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="{0}">{1}</a><br/><b>User: </b>{3}<br/><b>Message:</b>{4}<br/>
subscription.message.subject OpenKM - {0} - {1}
subscription.message.body <b>Document: </b><a href="{0}">{1}</a><br/><b>User: </b>{3}<br/><b>Event:</b>{4}<br/><b>Comment: </b>{5}<br/>

And these are the substitution variables used:

{0} - document path {0} - document URL
{1} - document name {1} - document path
{2} - document name
{3} - user id
{4} - message

{0} - event type {0} - document URL
{1} - document path {1} - document path
{2} - document name {2} - document name
{3} - user id
{4} - event type