
From OpenKM Documentation
Revision as of 17:09, 16 September 2013 by Jllort (talk | contribs) (Create)

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Openkm Calendar feature that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar. Dinamically can manage tasks like create, move, change range among other options. There're available tree views, month, week and day view.

Description of different icon options

  • Edit.png → Edit

Default view

Month View is default view. In this view are show monthly task with several color in concordance with de % of task progress.

Okm user guide 505.png

Tooltip information

Click in task and will be show a popup which contains all task information. This operation is available in any view, month, week or day.

Month view:

Okm user guide 506.png

Week view

Okm user guide 507.png

Day view:

Okm user guide 5087.png


Simply cliking and dragging in calendar can create new tasks. Click & drag should be used to select a single day or range of days.

Nota clasica.png On week or day view is available to select a range of hours too

Okm user guide 509.png

Next will be shown a form. Fill empty field to complete task creation.

Okm user guide 510.png

Nota clasica.png Create action is also available from week or day view . For do it simply show one of these views

Edit Task

Para poder editar todos los datos de una tarea se tiene que precionar el boton Edit.png esta accion redirecionara a la tarea con los permisos que se tenga de la misma esto quiere decir si es que eres el propietario de la tarea podras editar todos los datos y si no eres el propietario solo podras editar el estado y el progreso.

Okm user guide 506.png

Para editar solo las fechas o horas de alguana tarea esto se puede realizar dinamicamente solamente moviendo, ampliando, reduciendo la fecha y la hora.