Third-party software integration: SWFTools

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To enable preview UI tab, OpenKM need to convert pdf files to swf.


Swftools can be installed running in terminal:

$ sudo aptitude install swftools

Enable in OpenKM.cfg


Nota clasica.png In Ubuntu 10.04 is possible you need to add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb lucid partner

For better performance, use this configuration:

Create file


/usr/bin/pdf2swf $* -f -T 9 -t -G -s storeallcharacters

The last 5 parameters specifies that:

  • -f : Fonts should be embedded, improves searchability in the document
  • -T 9 : Sets the target flash version to 9, improves stability
  • -t : Inserts a stop between each frame, improves stability
  • -G : Makes the document smaller and faster to render
  • -s storeallcharacters : Stores all character information about the texts in the document, improves searchability

Make it executable:

$ chmod +x

And don't forget to change the OpenKM.cfg file:


Nota clasica.png If you've configured flexpaper viewer in OpenKM.cfg, these parameters are not needed because we call pdf2swf with it by default.


Donwload last swftools and install it.

Enable in OpenKM.cfg ( put this character to indicate path separator "/" not "\" )

system.pdf2swf=c:/program files/swftools/pdf2swf.exe

For better performance configuration you can doing:

Create file pdf2swf_wrapper.bat

c:\path\to\pdf2swf %1 %2 %3 -f -T 9 -t -G -s storeallcharacters

The last 5 parameters specifies that:

  • -f : Fonts should be embedded, improves searchability in the document
  • -T 9 : Sets the target flash version to 9, improves stability
  • -t : Inserts a stop between each frame, improves stability
  • -G : Makes the document smaller and faster to render
  • -s storeallcharacters : Stores all character information about the texts in the document, improves searchability

And don't forget to change the OpenKM.cfg file:


Nota clasica.png If you've configured flexpaper viewer in OpenKM.cfg, these parameters are not needed because we call pdf2swf with it by default.

Nota clasica.png Take a look at pdf2swf wiki[1] for complete parameters reference

Nota clasica.png Remember that JBoss must be restarted after any OpenKM.cfg modification.