Software and hardware requirements

From OpenKM Documentation
Revision as of 19:30, 25 January 2010 by Pavila (talk | contribs)

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OpenKM can be installed in any operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, ...) since it is a multi-platform system. In order to install OpenKM you will need to install Java Development Kit 1.6. The Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6 is available at Sun Developer Network. If you install the JRE, OpenKM will not run properly.

OpenKM runs quite well in any computer with a common hardware configuration. It is recommended 2 GB RAM and a fast hard disk like SATA or better. A dual-core Intel based CPU with 3.20 GHz should be fine for a reduced community of users (30-50 concurrent users). Be sure to have enough disk space for document repository and its versions.

A Linux host is a good choice because this OS handle quite well heavy I/O applications like this, and it is very cheap :)