PostgreSQL - OpenKM 4.1

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Revision as of 15:49, 16 September 2010 by Pavila (talk | contribs) (Repository configuration)

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Table creation

# Generic activity database definition
CREATE TABLE activity(act_date TIMESTAMP, act_user VARCHAR(32), act_token VARCHAR(48), act_action VARCHAR(48), act_item VARCHAR(256), act_params VARCHAR(256));
# Generic auth database definition
CREATE TABLE users(usr_id VARCHAR(32), usr_name VARCHAR(64), usr_pass VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, usr_email VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, usr_active BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY(usr_id));
CREATE TABLE roles(rol_id VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY(rol_id));
CREATE TABLE user_role(ur_user VARCHAR(32), ur_role VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY(ur_user, ur_role));
CREATE TABLE mail_accounts(ma_id SERIAL, ma_user VARCHAR(32), ma_mhost VARCHAR(32), ma_muser VARCHAR(32), ma_mpass VARCHAR(32), ma_mfolder VARCHAR(32), ma_active BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY(ma_id));
CREATE TABLE twitter_accounts(ta_id SERIAL, ta_user VARCHAR(32), ta_tuser VARCHAR(32), ta_active BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY(ta_id));

INSERT INTO users (usr_id, usr_name, usr_pass, usr_email, usr_active) VALUES ('okmAdmin', 'Administrator', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', true);
INSERT INTO roles (rol_id) VALUES ('AdminRole');
INSERT INTO roles (rol_id) VALUES ('UserRole');
INSERT INTO user_role (ur_user, ur_role) VALUES ('okmAdmin', 'AdminRole');
# Generic dashboard stats database definition
CREATE TABLE dashboard_stats(ds_user VARCHAR(32), ds_source VARCHAR(64), ds_node VARCHAR(256), ds_date TIMESTAMP);

Workflow engine

You have to modify the file WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml located inside the OpenKM.war archive. These are the entries to change:

<!-- hibernate dialect -->
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property>


<!-- hibernate dialect -->
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>

And in File:Jbpm.jpdl.postgresql.sql are the sententeces needed to create the tables. More info about this at:

JBoss datasources

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- OpenKM User Activity -->
  <!-- OpenKM User Auth -->
  <!-- OpenKM Dashboard Stats -->
  <!-- OpenKM Workflow -->

More info about this at Configuring JDBC DataSources.