Digital Signature

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Digital signature allow one to sign documents with installed certificates. You can sign an already uploaded document or a new document. Only documents that can be converted to pdf can be signed. In case document is a pdf, then a new document version is uploaded after signing. In case the document is to be converted, a new pdf file with same name as the original document is uploaded in the same folder as the original.


  • Only allowed for documents convertible to pdf or pdf files.
  • User must have access to insert or upload new file versions.
  • Only allowed in taxonomy view.
  • Sign document is not possible in add document form with import document from ZIP option.

Sign an existing document

Select a pdf or a convertible file. Go to the Tools menu and select the sign document menu option.

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A popup will appear. You must select the certificate you want to use to sign the document.

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When signing is finished, a popup message will appear.

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In the history tab, one can see a comment "signed" and a version change if the original document was pdf file.

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Signing a new document

In case you want to sign a new document in OpenKM, simply check the option sign document in the add document form.

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If a wizard has been defined for the document, a sequence of screens will be available, and the last will be the sign popup.

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When signing is finished, a popup message will appear.

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In the history tab, one can see a comment "signed" and a version change if the original document was pdf file.

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If the document is a pdf, the original document will be uploaded and the signed one will be a new document version. If document is not a pdf but only one convertible to pdf, then that document will be uploaded and a new signed pdf file too.