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La crittografia permette di aumentare la protezione dei documenti gestiti con OpenKM. con l'estensione crittografia è possibile è possibile caricare nuovi documenti criptati, criptare e decriptare documenti esistenti, modificare fare il checkin di documenti criptati, scaricare e decriptare documenti criptati. Per rendere il processo di criptazione più sicuro, i file sono criptati e decriptati in locale sul computer dell'utente da un'applet firmata. Ciò implica che sulla rete viaggiano solo file criptati.

Tutte le opzioni di crittografia sono disponibili nel menù strumenti.

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  • La crittografia è disponibile solo nella vista tassonomica.
  • E' necessario avere privilegi di scrittura su documento e cartella per effettuare l'operazione di criptazione.
  • Per apportare modifiche, il documento non deve essere bloccato o in check-out da altro utente.

Descrizione delle varie icone

  • Crypt doc encrypt.png → Aggiungi un nuovo documento criptato
  • Crypt doc encrypt existing.png → cripta documento
  • Crypt doc checkout.png → Modifica documento criptato
  • Crypt doc checkin.png → Checkin di un documento criptato
  • Crypt doc decrypt.png → Scaricare documento criptato
  • Crypt doc decrypt existing.png → Decripta documento

Aggiungere nuovo documento criptato

Per prima cosa occorre selezionare una cartella, nella vista tassonomica, ove l'utente abbia i permessi di scrittura per poter caricare il documento. Poi selezionare l' icona aggiungi nuovo documento criptato Crypt doc encrypt.png e apparirà una finestra pop-up.

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Ora inserire la frase per la cifratura due volta, e selezionare il file pigiando il pulsante seleziona file. Dopo ciò il documento verrà criptato in locale con la "frase di cifratura" e poi caricato in OpenKM. A processo terminato apparirà una finestra pop-up per la conferma.

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La finestra di navigazione di OpenKm si aggiornerà e comparirà il nuovo documento caricato, con l'icona Crypt.png che indica il suo essere criptato.

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Scaricare un documento decriptato

Tale operazione scarica un documento criptato e lo decripta in locale. Per prima cosa occorre selezionare un documento criptato in OpenKm, poi selezionando l'icona Crypt doc decrypt.png scaricare un documento criptato, apparirà una finestra di pop-up per decriptare lo stesso.

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Then must put decryptphrase and selecting the directory where you want to downloading the OpenKM document decrypted. Then OpenKM will download the encrypted document localy, decrypt and save. After it it'll appearing a information popup indicating the document has been saved localy.

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Edit encrypted document

In order updating some encrypted document must be selected the Crypt doc checkout.png Edit crypted document menu option. It'll appearing a decrypt popup.

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Then must put decryptphrase and selecting the directory where you want to downloading the OpenKM document decrypted. Then OpenKM will download the encrypted document locally, decrypt and save. After it it'll appearing a information popup indicating the document has been saved locally.

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The OpenKM document explorer UI will be refreshing and will appearing the document marked for editing.

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Checkin crypted document

After making changes in local document ( decrypted using Edit encrypted document menu option ) must upload new document version to OpenKM repository. First will selecting the document that want to upload in OpenKM.

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Then will selecting the Crypt doc checkin.png Checkin encrypted document menu option. Will appearing a appearing a crypt popup.

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Now simply put your cryptopharase twice, and select the file pressing the select file button. After it the document it'll be encrypted locally with cryptophrase and uploaded to OpenKM. When it process it'll be finished it'll appearing a successfully uploading popup message.

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The OpenKM document explorer UI will be refreshing and will appearing the document with major version.

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Nota clasica.png Cancelling checkin can be done with the normal cancel checkin button available in toolbar

Decrypt document

Decrypt document will decrypt some encrypted document in OpenKM and will replace for that decrypted version. For security purpose all previous encrypted document versions will be removed and replaced by decrypted document. Encrypted document will be downloaded and decrypted locally, then upload to OpenKM and purge version history.

First must selecting some encrypted document yet available at OpenKM.

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Then selection the Crypt doc decrypt existing.png Decrypt document menu option. It'll appearing a decrypt menu popup.

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Then must put decryptphrase and selecting the Decrypt file button. The encrypted document will be downloaded and decrypted locally and then uploaded to OpenKM and history version will be purged too. I'll appearing a information popup indicating that operation has done sucessfully.

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The OpenKM document explorer UI will be refreshing and will appearing the document decrypted with major version and with history purged.

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Encrypt document

Encrypt document will encrypt some non encrypted document in OpenKM and will replace for that encrypted version. For security purpose all previous document versions will be removed and replaced by encrypted document. Openkm document will be downloaded and encrypted locally, then upload to OpenKM and purge version history.

First must selecting some non encrypted document yet available at OpenKM.

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Then selecting the Crypt doc encrypt existing.png Encrypt document menu option. The document will be downloading locally, encrypted, uploaded to OpenKM and purge history version.

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The OpenKM document explorer UI will be refreshing and will appearing the document encrypted with major version and with history purged.

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