Low level security change
From OpenKM Documentation
That is an administrator script that should be used only when is needed propagate security changes under a folder wich have a significative amount of nodes. These kind of changes made from UI will need a lot of time to be propagated across repository and that utility does it much faster.
Our recomendation is use when changes affects more than 100.000 nodes otherside we recommend do it from UI |
In these example the security change start with some folder UUID node and propagates across all childs. The logic is remove actual grants for each node and replace by newer based only on roles. Note that you can build other kind of logic take that example as the basis.
- UUID is the folder Unique Identifier
- MAX_DEPTH indicates how much deep should advance the script in subfolders childs ( note than 0 indicates the UUID folder )
- roleName array and roleGrant array indicates de pair of roles and roles grants which will be added
- LOG_FILE_NAME indicates the name of the log file which will be stored under $TOMCAT_HOME folder